Saturday, May 18, 2013

23. Switch-out from Auto-Pilot Mode : Another function for #UAV

In our previous programming segment (16. Auto Take-Off and Auto-Landing programming of the #UAV and 6. How are we going to build a more stable Loiter program? - The Idea.) we had made Auto-Pilot program and also an Auto-take off and Auto-landing program for our U.A.V.

Then we thought more. What if due to some reason we want our U.A.V to move out of the Auto-Pilot mode towards the next desired waypoint (like sometimes we may want a quick auto-landing or surveillance of some other area)?. Hence we came up with another addition to the whole program we had made so far.

We decided to use one of the 2 output channels left (rest 5 out total 7 are used for Aileron, Throttle, rudder, Elevator and Mode) of the UDB Devboard to receive a signal from our transmitter so that whenever we change the position of the switch from its initial position (at start-up) i.e. from up to down or down to up, our  DevBoard will switch out of the Auto-Pilot mode.

So in order form a logic, we first tried a simple C program in which if we press any letter different from the one we have put in the memory (through scanf function), then it will display a certain message and if we press the same letter as in the memory then another certain message will appear:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main()

char in, oc;
in = 'j';
printf("Testing code");
          printf("input pls");
          oc=getch(); // so that we do not have to press enter every-time we enter something on screen
          //scanf("%c", &oc);
          //printf("yes wrkin");
          if (oc!=in)
                    if ( (oc == 'j')||(oc == 'h'))
                                printf("moved to next waypoint");
                                in = oc;
   return 0;

To implement this idea we went into the servoMix.c file of our program and edited the following:

static int mychannelvalue =0;
static char startflag =0; // will be used to check position of switch at sart-up only once
void startupfuntion(void); //to store the current position of the switch
void checkmode (void); // to check the position of the switch, if changed then switch-out of Auto-Pilot mode
static int currentvalue =0;

// Helicopter airframe
// Mix half of roll_control and half of pitch_control into aileron channels
// Mix full pitch_control into elevator
// Ignore waggle for now
temp = pwManual[AILERON_INPUT_CHANNEL] +

pitch_control/2) ;
udb_pwOut[AILERON_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp ) ;


udb_pwOut[ELEVATOR_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp ) ;


-roll_control/2 + pitch_control/2) ;

temp = pwManual[RUDDER_INPUT_CHANNEL] /*+

udb_pwOut[RUDDER_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp ) ;

if ( pwManual[THROTTLE_INPUT_CHANNEL] == 0 )

udb_pwOut[THROTTLE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp ) ;
mychannelvalue = udb_servo_pulsesat( pwManual[PASSTHROUGH_A_INPUT_CHANNEL] )


// next_waypoint();      

udb_pwOut[PASSTHROUGH_A_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat(

udb_pwOut[PASSTHROUGH_B_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat(

udb_pwOut[PASSTHROUGH_C_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat(

udb_pwOut[PASSTHROUGH_D_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat(


void cameraServoMix( void )
int32_t temp ;
int16_t pwManual[NUM_INPUTS+1] ;

// If radio is off, use udb_pwTrim values instead of the udb_pwIn values
for (temp = 0; temp <= NUM_INPUTS; temp++)
if (udb_flags._.radio_on)
pwManual[temp] = udb_pwIn[temp];
pwManual[temp] = udb_pwTrim[temp];

temp = ( pwManual[CAMERA_PITCH_INPUT_CHANNEL] - 3000 ) +

cam_pitch_servo_pwm_delta ) ;
temp = cam_pitchServoLimit(temp) ;
udb_pwOut[CAMERA_PITCH_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp + 3000 ) ;

temp = ( pwManual[CAMERA_YAW_INPUT_CHANNEL] - 3000 ) +

cam_yaw_servo_pwm_delta ) ;
temp = cam_yawServoLimit(temp) ;
udb_pwOut[CAMERA_YAW_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] = udb_servo_pulsesat( temp + 3000 ) ;

void startupfuntion(void)
if (startflag == 0)
startflag =1;
currentvalue = mychannelvalue;

void checkmode(void)
int diff;
diff = mychannelvalue-currentvalue;
 if(diff>100 || diff<-100)
             if (flags._.GPS_steering == 1 && flags._.pitch_feedback == 1 && udb_flags._.radio_on == 1) //to check if in Auto-Pilot mode, else will never go for the function, make sure only Auto-Pilot switch-out
                           currentvalue = mychannelvalue;

22. Tip2 for #UAV

Always debug (i.e. check for values in a particular part of the program) your program in a PIC controller testing kit with MPLab 8.9, because UDB4 Devboard does not provide the facility to debug, i.e it can't be debugged with PICKit 2. This will help you as you will discover in the next post on this blog. (Wink! Wink!)
  1. You may double click on the left hand side of the line where you want to debug. A letter 'B' in red circle will appear at that point. Change the mode of the MPLab setup to Debug (originally its Release). 
  2. After the changes above you may build your program.
  3. Connect the PICKit 2 with the testing board and program it.
  4. Next go to View - Locals. A window will appear which will show you values at the breakpoints set by you every time you Run the debugging.