Monday, May 6, 2013

17. UDB4 DevBoard arrived - New Features n Additions

Our UDB4 Devboard arrived today. It has the following features:
  1. Compatible with 20-channel EM-406A SiRF III GPS
  2. Compatible with 50-channel GS407 Helical GPS
  3. DSPIC33FJ256 Controller (with onboard 3.3V and 5V glue logic)
  4. DSPIC runs at 120MHz with 8MHz resonator and PLL
  5. MMA7361 three axis accelerometer
  6. IDG500 dual axis gyro and ISZ500 single axis gyro
  7. External 256Kbit EEPROM
  8. Up to 8 Input, 8 output PWM points
  9. 6-wire debug header or ICSP header
  10. 4 separate colored status LEDs
  11. On board 3.3V and 5V regulators (150mA max)
  12. Spare USART connection for debugging, flight logging, wireless telemetry, etc.
  13. 30 spare analog and digital I/O pins for debugging and interfacing to sensors
We added a slot (covering UART RX2, TX2 and GND) to transmit our data for telemetry and another for programming the micro-controller through PIC-Kit 2. You can install the version of PIC-Kit 2 (2.61) and replace a file in it if you already have one and do not wish to use PIC_Kit 3. You may find the necessary software and other stuff for this purpose at the google devboard discussion forum - Software and Replacement File.

For providing power supply to the UDB4 DevBoard we will use our previously made supplier (9 Volt Adapter and 7805 voltage regulator along with 100 micro-farad capacitor). 
For UD4 DevBoard we will open MatrixPilot-udb4 program in MPLab IDE software. One of the majore differences here is that the serial output format is defined as: #define SERIAL_OUTPUT_FORMAT SERIAL_MAVLINK and the type of board is defined as: #define BOARD_TYPE UDB4_BOARD.